Friday, March 13, 2020

Monday, March 9, 2020


Tuesday, March 10Image result for brown bag lunch clipart
Science Center all day Field Trip
Please pack a disposable lunch.

Friday, March 13: School-Wide Dress Day
Decades Day
Image result for hippy clipart

Reading: This week we are reading a variety of fairy tales. Our focus skills are to identify the author's point of view and summarize. 

Spelling: Compound Words
                List Unit 5 Week 1
                Test and Homework Thursday

Math: It's Fraction Time!!! We are thrilled to be starting our first unit on fractions. We start off slow by introducing the unit fraction, parts of a whole, and parts of a set. 


Tuesday, February 18, 2020


  • The yellow permission form and $13 check for the Great Lakes Science Center field trip is due by March 3rd

  • This week's homework is only Writing and Spelling. Since it is a shortened week, we will take our Spelling test on Friday and the spelling homework will also be due this Friday. The writing packet about a "Homemade Gift" is due on Monday, February 24th. 
            -Spelling List Unit 4 Week 4

Monday, February 3, 2020


Upcoming Dates:

-Monday 2/10, 12:45-2:45, ALPL Field Trip
-Thursday 2/13, Valentine's Day Party & Dress Up Day (more party details to come)

ELA: Students were given two random pictures to create their own narrative story. Currently they are working through the writer's process of editing and revising. We can't wait to share the final products with you!

Spelling: Unit 4 Week 2 List

Math: There will be a topic 9  "quest" over adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers this Thursday. 

Science: Introduction to Rocks and Minerals 

Monday, January 13, 2020


Please return yoga permission forms if your child would like to participate in indoor recess yoga on Mondays.

Reading: How is each event in history unique? We will explore this essential questions while reading expository texts about the Oregon Trail. This is a fun week where I like to break out my bonnet, read Sarah Plain and Tall, and show clips of Little House on the Prairie. 

Math: We're wrapping up rounding to the nearest ten and hundred this week. Expect a Topic 8 test next week. 

Spelling: Unit 3 Week 5 
                - Spelling homework due on Thursday
                - Test on Thursday
                - No Spelling list next week :) 

Social Studies: Avon Lake History

Guidance: Mrs. Speier returns for the next 3 Tuesdays to teach us about the ups and downs of friendship.