Monday, September 23, 2019


*Next week is Spirit Week with a different dress day each day. I will send home a reminder once the themes are official. 

*Next week there will be no spelling list or spelling homework.

Math: Topic 3: Multiplication properties for 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 facts. Please continue to practice multiplication facts nightly. 

Reading: This week is all about national monuments. We will research and examine how our national monuments tell America's story. 

Spelling: List Unit 1 Week 5. Test and homework Thursday

Monday, September 16, 2019


Avon Lake Spirit Day is this Friday (1st  home game)
Say Cheese! Next Monday is Picture Day :)

Reading: This week we are reading biographies of inventors. We will focus on cause and effect as our reading strategy. 

Math: We are wrapping up Topic 2: multiplication patterns for 0,1, 2, 5, and 9. There will be a quiz on Thursday. 

Spelling: Homework due and test on Thursday

Science: Matter- Volume vs. Mass

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Marco's Pizza Night Tonight

>>Please mention our class if you order tonight :) <<

Hat Day Tomorrow 

Scholastic Order form due Monday with check or pay online using our class code: M647C

Monday, September 9, 2019


...And we're back, after a refreshing weekend!

This Week's Highlights:
-Wednesday, Orange Choir forms and t-shirt money are due (rehearsals start the 18th)
-Friday, Hat Day
-Scholastic Order forms due Monday
-Room Parent forms due

Spelling: As always, the spelling homework is due on Thursday, the same day we take our test. (first 15 words on the pencil list)

Math: We completed topic 1 last week which explained multiplication and division. Topic 2 will cover tips and tricks for mastering multiplication facts and word problems. Please review multiplication facts at home until they are memorized. One parent recommended practicing 5 flashcards at a time while in the car. 

Science: Matter introduction and science labs

ELA: This week we are reading about different cultures and discussing how they contribute to our community. Our focus skill is sequencing the order of events in a story.