Monday, October 21, 2019


This week is Ohio State Testing for Reading in grade 3. The best preparation is a good night's sleep and a healthy breakfast in the morning. :) You'll notice there won't be much math homework assigned this week.

Tuesday: 9:00-11:00

Thursday: 9:00-11:00

Thank you to those who sent in testing snacks and waters!

Please continue to work on the pumpkin character book report project and let me know if you have any questions. 

Spelling: List Unit 2 Week 3- Test and homework Thursday

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


When life gives you darkness, you crack open some glow sticks and have a blast reading by the light of a neon glow! Yesterday our room was without power, so I had no access to my computer. Thank you for your patience!

This week we are back to a normal schedule and curriculum with spelling homework resuming and a spelling test on Thursday.

We are now switching our focus to division in math. Please continue to practice multiplication facts daily. Our next test on Topic 4 will happen just before Halloween. 

At this point, all students have chosen a book and character for their character pumpkin book report. Please continue to read and answer the packet questions in complete sentences at home. The packet, book, and the pumpkin are all due on Halloween. Pumpkins can be real (no carving), foam, paper or any creative medium your child wishes. Please e-mail me if you have any questions or need another packet. 


Next Monday, October 21st we will take our first field trip by bus to the Peter Miller House and Electric Railway to learn more about Avon Lake History. There is no permission form or cost for this field trip. Students will leave Erieview right after lunch at 12:45 and return around 2:30.

For future trips (such as our "big" spring field trip to the Cleveland Science Center), we will send out a sign up genius for volunteers. :)

Ohio State Testing

All 3rd graders will take the OST for Reading on the mornings of Tuesday, October 22nd and Thursday, October 24th from approximately 9:00-11:00. Our specials will switch to the end of the day on those testing days. 


Our Erieview Halloween Costume Parade will commence shortly after announcements around 9:00 am on Thursday, October 31st. Look for more information in Mr. Schindler's weekly blast e-mails.  Mrs. Kuhn and Mrs. Lanman will send out information about our class party that will take place at the end of the school day. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Wednesday- Cleveland Day
Thursday- Future Career Day (when I grow up I want to be...)
Friday- AL Spirit
Saturday- AL Homecoming Parade

Mr. Schindler has asked teachers to check in with parents about receiving his weekly, Friday e-mail "blast" of Erieview updates. It is possible that his e-mails are being sent to your spam/junk folder if you have an AOL or Hotmail account. 

There will be no spelling lists or homework this week or next. 

Thank you for signing up for conferences! I look forward to seeing you next week. :)