Monday, January 13, 2020


Please return yoga permission forms if your child would like to participate in indoor recess yoga on Mondays.

Reading: How is each event in history unique? We will explore this essential questions while reading expository texts about the Oregon Trail. This is a fun week where I like to break out my bonnet, read Sarah Plain and Tall, and show clips of Little House on the Prairie. 

Math: We're wrapping up rounding to the nearest ten and hundred this week. Expect a Topic 8 test next week. 

Spelling: Unit 3 Week 5 
                - Spelling homework due on Thursday
                - Test on Thursday
                - No Spelling list next week :) 

Social Studies: Avon Lake History

Guidance: Mrs. Speier returns for the next 3 Tuesdays to teach us about the ups and downs of friendship.