Tuesday, February 18, 2020


  • The yellow permission form and $13 check for the Great Lakes Science Center field trip is due by March 3rd

  • This week's homework is only Writing and Spelling. Since it is a shortened week, we will take our Spelling test on Friday and the spelling homework will also be due this Friday. The writing packet about a "Homemade Gift" is due on Monday, February 24th. 
            -Spelling List Unit 4 Week 4

Monday, February 3, 2020


Upcoming Dates:

-Monday 2/10, 12:45-2:45, ALPL Field Trip
-Thursday 2/13, Valentine's Day Party & Dress Up Day (more party details to come)

ELA: Students were given two random pictures to create their own narrative story. Currently they are working through the writer's process of editing and revising. We can't wait to share the final products with you!

Spelling: Unit 4 Week 2 List

Math: There will be a topic 9  "quest" over adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers this Thursday. 

Science: Introduction to Rocks and Minerals